Dashboard app v100.4 is now available - Improved UX and DB Slideshow

Dear DHIS2 Community,

We are excited to announce the release of Dashboard app version 100.4. This update introduces several user experience improvements and exciting new functionality.

Dashboard v100.4.0 Release notes:

Updated Dashboard app design with improved user experience | Jira

  • Streamlined dashboard bar: We’ve moved to a single, fixed dashboard bar, freeing up valuable vertical space and ensuring it remains accessible as you scroll.
  • Efficient dashboard menu: The list of available dashboards is now located in the left-hand menu, providing a faster and more intuitive way to search for dashboards.
  • Enhanced dashboard grid: The grid now has a more modern look and makes better use of the available space.

Dashboard slideshow: | Jira | Docs

The dashboard can be displayed in a slideshow by clicking on the Slideshow button. When you enter the slideshow, you’ll find navigation buttons and an exit button in a navigation bar at the bottom of the page. You can also navigate with the forward and back arrow keys on the keyboard, and exit the slideshow with the esc key. Any filters that are applied will be displayed in the navigation bar. Note that messages and spacer items are not displayed in the slideshow.

Slideshow button

Slideshow navigation bar

The Dashboard app is on continuous release, compatible with 2.40 and above. You can download the new release from DHIS2 App Hub or test it out on DHIS2 Play.

Thank you for your continuous support!

Best regards,
Karoline Tufte Lien
DHIS2 Product Manager


Users have expressed their satisfaction with the new menu.


Thank you for sharing this feedback @mutali ! :star_struck:

The dashboard grid and slideshow are excellent additional features, particularly the slideshow, which enhances live presentations on the DHIS2 dashboard. It would be beneficial to incorporate a timed auto-slide function for seamless display on external smart screens. Would you happen to know of any applications that support displaying a DHIS2 dashboard on an external smart display, such as a SMART TV?

Thank you in advance for your insights

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Hi @Solomon_Kassahun

Welcome to the community! Thank you for your nice comments, and this is indeed a nice feature. Are you displaying DHIS2 dashboards in slideshows? Sharing about the experience Implementation - Implémentation would be helpful promoting this, and you’re welcome to create a feature request here.

There’s been a similar topic about this… before @Scott suggested using an app that’s dedicated to this, you can check it out: DHIS2 Visualizations on Samsung/Sony Smart TV - #2 by Scott

I also wrote a script as a workaround, if you’d like to ‘autoslide’ the new slideshow feature. It’s not official - only a workaround:

Script to Autoplay DHIS2 Slideshow dashboard
  1. Paste this to your console
const next=document.querySelector('button[data-test="slideshow-next-button"]');function slideshow(t){let e;const o=document.querySelector('button[data-test="slideshow-next-button"]'),s=()=>{o.click(),e=setTimeout(s,t)};this.start=()=>{s()},this.stop=()=>{clearTimeout(e),e=null}}
  1. Initiate and Configure time
const slides = new slideshow(5000); // 5 seconds
  1. Play
  1. Stop

Here’s quick and short tutorial …

Hi there,

Thank you team for the constant support and improvements !
I have feedback from my users, where they’ve got confused as couldn’t find anymore all their dashboards listed as before. I believe would be great to provide a choice how the dashboard bar should look like. Most of them now complaining as need to open the list and find required dashboard, rather then just press directly on the top bar.
Would it be possible to consider provide an ability to choose to the user on how the top bar should look like?

Thank you

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Thank you

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