How can we apply our custom css/js changes in dhis2 instance site wide? We wanted to change the font-color, header design, other look and feel changes.
We have tried “Custom Js Css” app from App Hub, but those chages are not affecting. Any clue on this?
What version of DHIS2 are you using? In the recent versions, there’s an option to customize the login page (System Settings → Appearance → 'Login page theme / Login page template ’
Other site wide settings include the style and custom logos. However, if you’re looking for more CSS changes, you might want to try using the API /files/style endpoint. Read more here: Settings and configuration - DHIS2 Documentation
I am using DHIS2 version 2.41.2. Yes, it has System Settings → Appearance screen, when I can make the changes related to logo and login page.
Additionally, I want to do some color changes to the DHIS2 theme, also want to hide some labels in the program, font size and style change site wide etc.
Is ths app is still working “Custom Js Css” and will be useful in my case above? I have installed it and tried couple of things, but changes are not affecting.