Creating Impactful Reports in DHIS2

Hello everyone,

I need your ideas or opinions,

You all know that mostly dhis2 report numberical data reports, but now lets talk about narrrative reporting,suppose you have created different datasets, programs and custom forms that will facilitate in data collection through data collection you might need to collect also some comments from the users, take an example using dhis2 for education for collecting data from inspection carried out among schools there you understand that you are going to create custom checklists (forms) here you might need to collect the observations from an inspector while collecting data, From this observations or comments is were we are going to create our narrative report. we can use the already existing features like standard reports here i feel like using HTML-BASED reports is the best because we are going to use DHIS API to fetch those observations or comments from different checklists and create a narrative report even include some visualizations.

So the question i have now using HTML-BASED report we can not export it as pdf or word, second the DHIS API for visualization not all charts are supported to be retrieved as an image which is very clear and understable. and the content of this report is going to change its not gonna be constant.

I need your ideas on how we can achieve this using the existing features


Hi @mugisha_alain

Are these checklists you’re referring to within the DHIS2 instance? And did you try creating them inside the instance, if not then why?


Yes this checklists are within DHIS2 instance

Why would you be using the API if they are within the instance itself? Or do you mean that the HTML-based is external?

What is the metadata type for these checklists? Are they option sets?