Create new account

hello all,
would you please help me to solve an issue of Create a new account not available on first page after deployment of new dhis version 2.36.4
Thank you,

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Hi @Pacifique_Hategekima
Welcome to the forum! Have you enabled self registration in the DHIS2 system settings?
What do you have under Access?

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Thanks @Edward_Robinson,
I can confirm that I exactly have same parameters as the ones shown on picture above,
should I change them?

Thank you for quick answer

Thank you,
everything is now working.


Hi, yes, you can confirm on the demo system here: (login: admin, password: district)
You must select a default user role and organisation unit for users to be added to when they register. If those are set to ‘Disable self registration’ then the self registration option won’t be available. Search for ‘self registration’ in the user guide for more info: DHIS2 User Manual - DHIS2 Documentation

I worked!!
Thank you

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