COVID-19 Interactive Demo English Account Password changed?

Hi everyone,

I have researched on DHIS2 COVID-19 Surveillance (Tracker) App for the last couples months for my thesis. Since last week, I couldn’t login to Demo App using the Account for English User, after checking many times and I believed that the password entered was correct. I don’t know if we have some changes to the app which needs to change the password for an amount of times to make that update. Currently, I have to use the COVID_FR account to continue my research but I would love to continue research with the English one. Can someone tell me when that account will get password reset back ?


Hi An Chan,
Thanks for letting us know. We have reverted the English demo password now, can you please try again? Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Hi Rebecca,
Many thanks to you.
I can login it with the password now.
Also on it seems we have removed the interactive demo link. I don’t know if that is intentional or some kind of missing contents.
Anyways, thanks for your support.

Hi An Tran,
Our new website has changed format a bit. However you can still access the demo link from this link: Covid Surveillance - DHIS2 (at the top of the page you will see a menu that brings you to different parts of the webpage, click on ‘Try the Demo’ and you should see it)


Hi @Rebecca,
I cannot login with English demo password today. Can you check it if you guys changed it again ?
Thanks for your support.

Hi An Chan,
I have just checked and logged in with the demo credentials on the landing page and it is working OK for me. Are you still experiencing the issue?

Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for supporting me. I worked again.