Counting organization units on a given condition

Dear community,
Dear @Gassim I have created a data element of value type yes/no of aggregated domain type, I wonder how I can visualize collected data on upper organization unit where that data element is yes,
Let me give an example
( DE: Is the library accessible to students with disabilities? and data collection is done on school level the question is, how can I find the number of schools in a sector(upper org unit of school) where library is accessible to students with disabilities?)

Thank you for your post @Pacifique_Hategekima! If I am able to create this on play, I will respond to you with an answer; otherwise, I have also asked for support from the core team. Hopefully, other community members would like to contribute.

Hi @Pacifique_Hategekima

Once you have collected the data using the data entry forms, you just need to run analytics, and then create a pivot table with the particular data element of interest. Data elements of type “Yes/No” will be automatically aggregated with Yes=1 and No=0. I would recommend to use the “Yes only” data element type, as this will save a bit of time during data entry, since users will only need to click a tick box to indicate Yes. Blank values (when the box is not ticked) can then be assumed to be “No”.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you @jason let me try this, will ask you if I need more help

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this is done, however once one of these DE is selected in pivot table no data is returned
I’m not sure why, any suggestion on this?

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Is this reproducible in play @Pacifique_Hategekima, would you please write the steps to reproduce this on play? Thank you! (: