Contact tracing rabies with DHIS2 Tracker

Hello all,

Our software team has been tasked to research technical alternatives for an existing rabies contact tracing program that currently uses a custom software solution. DHIS2 Tracker is one of the candidates.

I’d be interested in hearing about experiences in tracking rabies with DHIS2 if that’s something already being done. To make the data migration from the old system feasible, I’d also be looking for advice on how DHIS2 Tracker handles the following:
-Tracking animals in addition to people
-People and animals are assigned to households

The old app uses GPS location data from the mobile devices to automatically assign new data entries into a location hierarchy. Is this doable in existing DHIS2 mobile apps as well?

Many thanks,


Hi @jyri

Thank you for your post! Would you like to move this post to the Research - Recherches section? :+1:

Did a quick search on the community (Search results for 'rabies' - DHIS2 Community) and I see a couple of users have had posts with the word rabies. @Terence_Scott , @ACoetzer1988 , you might be interested in this post. I’m also tagging @tracker-products! :+1:

Hi @jyri

Thanks for the contact and reaching out. I have replied to the personal message you sent and will be in contact.

@Gassim - thank you for the referral.

All the best!


Hi Jyra,
Interesting use case! While rabies has not yet been integrated into the official WHO-approved DHIS2 Tracker configuration for case-based disease surveillance (see Metadata Package Downloads - DHIS2 and related links for more info on the case-based surveillance design we promote), we are aware that a number of countries likely integrate rabies case surveillance into their DHIS2 system that will typically cover all the notifiable diseases in a country.

For contact tracing, you might reference the design of the contact tracing module developed for COVID-19, which is linked to a case-based surveillance program to link cases with contacts: Home - DHIS2 Documentation

Tracking animals: I imagine the starting point would be to define a TEI (tracked entity instance) for animals, which differentiates them from TEIs that represent disease cases or people. Then a tracker program could be easily defined to capture & tracker data about animals. There have also been some use cases on One Health, such as in Burkina Faso, bringing human and animal surveillance data together: The One Health Electronic Platform in Burkina Faso — MEASURE Evaluation

I hope that helps!


Thank you for the responses, they have definitely been helpful! I’ve filed this thread under Research - Recherches as suggested. I’ll keep sharing our progress here in case the information will be useful for other people as well.


See DHIS2 used for rabies control at
I dont have the contacts, but you can probably find it under rabiesalliance.
Best regards,
Jens Kaasbøll
University of Oslo