Completeness target not swapped

I have a dhis2 instance where we had new orgunits and we added to them to a dataset.
but we never managed to get their completeness/timeliness informations from the analytics api.

After a few hours of investigation we “collected” the sql run by dhis2 via pg_stat_statements.

the job doesn’t seem to swap the analytics_completenesstarget_temp

drop table if exists analytics_completenesstarget_temp cascade
create table analytics_completenesstarget_temp ("mXJvqnCbpdu" character(11),"GdgsoyjCb6p" character(11),"Agr9GjmspRS" character(11),"qGLVb3cA8Tw" character(11),"KjfJ9g9ohiR" character(11),"KV8VpFkC5EM" character(11),"aID5Jv1y80k" character(11),"nTXcyv9tHOz" character(11),"bYzw7CILYVt" character(11),"ub882X5co8g" character(11),"cuob2ISPULh" character(11),"RNqOqEup3LK" character(11),"ou6a8FgCXh2" character(11),"uidlevel1" character(11),"uidlevel2" character(11),"uidlevel3" character(11),"uidlevel4" character(11),"uidlevel5" character(11),"ouopeningdate" date,"oucloseddate" date,"costartdate" date,"coenddate" date,"dx" character(11) not null,"ao" character(11) not null,"value" double precision) with(autovacuum_enabled = false)
insert into analytics_completenesstarget_temp ("mXJvqnCbpdu","GdgsoyjCb6p","Agr9GjmspRS","qGLVb3cA8Tw","KjfJ9g9ohiR","KV8VpFkC5EM","aID5Jv1y80k","nTXcyv9tHOz","bYzw7CILYVt","ub882X5co8g","cuob2ISPULh","RNqOqEup3LK","ou6a8FgCXh2","uidlevel1","uidlevel2","uidlevel3","uidlevel4","uidlevel5","ouopeningdate","oucloseddate","costartdate","coenddate","dx","ao","value") select ougs."mXJvqnCbpdu",ougs."GdgsoyjCb6p",ougs."Agr9GjmspRS",ougs."qGLVb3cA8Tw",ougs."KjfJ9g9ohiR",ougs."KV8VpFkC5EM",ougs."aID5Jv1y80k",ougs."nTXcyv9tHOz",ougs."bYzw7CILYVt",ougs."ub882X5co8g",ougs."cuob2ISPULh",ougs."RNqOqEup3LK",ougs."ou6a8FgCXh2",ous."uidlevel1",ous."uidlevel2",ous."uidlevel3",ous."uidlevel4",ous."uidlevel5",ou.openingdate,ou.closeddate,doc.costartdate,doc.coenddate,ds.uid,ao.uid,$1 as value from _datasetorganisationunitcategory doc inner join dataset ds on doc.datasetid=ds.datasetid inner join organisationunit ou on doc.organisationunitid=ou.organisationunitid left join _orgunitstructure ous on doc.organisationunitid=ous.organisationunitid left join _organisationunitgroupsetstructure ougs on doc.organisationunitid=ougs.organisationunitid left join categoryoptioncombo ao on doc.attributeoptioncomboid=ao.categoryoptioncomboid left join _categorystructure acs on doc.attributeoptioncomboid=acs.categoryoptioncomboid

but never found the statement swapping the analytics_completenesstarget_temp to analytics_completenesstarget

so we manually run the script upper and then launched the 2 extra sql

drop table if exists analytics_completenesstarget cascade;
alter table analytics_completenesstarget_temp rename to analytics_completenesstarget

and voila analytics api started returning results for these new orgunits.

so question

  • is this a known bug (I haven’t seen a bug report about that)
    • it’s on a 2.33 which is no more supported from what I found
  • is there circumstances where the swap might be skipped ?
    • the code supposed to swap the tables is called “executeSilently” so I fear it’s hiding the problem ?

the analytics log

* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,561 Analytics table update parameters: AnalyticsTableUpdateParams{last years=1, skip resource tables=false, skip table types=[EVENT, DATA_VALUE, ORG_UNIT_TARGET, ENROLLMENT, VALIDATION_RESULT], start time=2022-10-03T14:40:00} ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,561 Starting update of type: COMPLETENESS_TARGET, table name: 'analytics_completenesstarget', processes: 2: 00:00:00.000 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,563 Table update start: analytics_completenesstarget, earliest: 2022-01-01T00:00:00, parameters: AnalyticsTableUpdateParams{last years=1, skip resource tables=false, skip table types=[EVENT, DATA_VALUE, ORG_UNIT_TARGET, ENROLLMENT, VALIDATION_RESULT], start time=2022-10-03T14:40:00}: 00:00:00.001 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,564 Performed pre-create table work: 00:00:00.002 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,566 Dropped temp tables: 00:00:00.004 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,566 Creating table: analytics_completenesstarget_temp, columns: 24 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,573 Created analytics tables: 00:00:00.011 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,573 Populate table task number: 1 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,908 Populate analytics_completenesstarget_temp in: 0.33 seconds ( [taskScheduler-11])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,908 Populated analytics tables: 00:00:00.346 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,925 Invoked analytics table hooks: 00:00:00.363 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,951 Applied aggregation levels: 00:00:00.389 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:50,951 No of analytics table indexes: 24 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:52,471 Created indexes: 00:00:01.909 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:52,700 Analyzed tables: 00:00:02.138 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:52,700 Removed updated and deleted data: 00:00:02.138 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:52,708 Swapping table, master table exists: true, skip master table: true ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:52,943 Table update done: analytics_completenesstarget: 00:00:02.381 ( [taskScheduler-12])
* INFO  2022-10-03 14:44:52,943 Analytics tables updated: 00:04:52.642 ( [taskScheduler-12])

what is “skip master table” flag ?

So from our tests the limit on past years causes the problem

we setuped a dedicated job (doing only the completeness related tables)

we added/removed an orgunit from the dataset

  • without period limits everything is updated
  • with period limit nothing gets updated

and the daily run of the analytics is also running with a limit the past years which is probably why the new orgunits were not showing up.

Does this make sense to a dhis2 dev ?

Sometimes I feel really alone here.

@Stephan_Mestach I’m sorry about that! It’s a challenging post for me so I actually sent a request to @dhis2-analytics ten days ago but I forgot to follow up again. Thanks for the bump, and I sent a request this time to @maikel to assist. :+1:

Hi @Stephan_Mestach,

This should be a bug. The table swap should not be skipped.
This could be caused because of some specific scenario we haven’t seen yet (as you did not find any bug related).

We will try to reproduce the issue based on the period limits you have described and see if we find something. I will come back to you soon.


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Hi @Stephan_Mestach,
we tried to reproduce this issue based on the messages above, but we could not reproduce it.
Are you running DHIS2 2.33.9? (this is the version we used to investigate your problem)

Regarding your question:
what is “skip master table” flag ?
This means the process will skip updating the “master” table when it is partitioned and we have defined a specific period (year). This seems correct in this particular scenario.

Are you able to share with us a development DB where this happens?

To me, it seems like this SQL statement is failing for some reason and the temp table is getting “orphaned”.

insert into analytics_completenesstarget_temp ("mXJvqnCbpdu","GdgsoyjCb6p","Agr9GjmspRS","qGLVb3cA8Tw","KjfJ9g9ohiR","KV8VpFkC5EM","aID5Jv1y80k","nTXcyv9tHOz","bYzw7CILYVt","ub882X5co8g","cuob2ISPULh","RNqOqEup3LK","ou6a8FgCXh2","uidlevel1","uidlevel2","uidlevel3","uidlevel4","uidlevel5","ouopeningdate","oucloseddate","costartdate","coenddate","dx","ao","value") select ougs."mXJvqnCbpdu",ougs."GdgsoyjCb6p",ougs."Agr9GjmspRS",ougs."qGLVb3cA8Tw",ougs."KjfJ9g9ohiR",ougs."KV8VpFkC5EM",ougs."aID5Jv1y80k",ougs."nTXcyv9tHOz",ougs."bYzw7CILYVt",ougs."ub882X5co8g",ougs."cuob2ISPULh",ougs."RNqOqEup3LK",ougs."ou6a8FgCXh2",ous."uidlevel1",ous."uidlevel2",ous."uidlevel3",ous."uidlevel4",ous."uidlevel5",ou.openingdate,ou.closeddate,doc.costartdate,doc.coenddate,ds.uid,ao.uid,$1 as value from _datasetorganisationunitcategory doc inner join dataset ds on doc.datasetid=ds.datasetid inner join organisationunit ou on doc.organisationunitid=ou.organisationunitid left join _orgunitstructure ous on doc.organisationunitid=ous.organisationunitid left join _organisationunitgroupsetstructure ougs on doc.organisationunitid=ougs.organisationunitid left join categoryoptioncombo ao on doc.attributeoptioncomboid=ao.categoryoptioncomboid left join _categorystructure acs on doc.attributeoptioncomboid=acs.categoryoptioncomboid
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yes we upgraded to 2.33.9

with the sql we intercepted I deduced the problem was more the “incremental/limited” mode
because the master table exists: true, skip master table: true

but I don’t know what is supposed to happen when you limit the years, how the swap is supposed to happen ? it’s table per year pattern ?

Hello @Stephan_Mestach,
When you limit the years, the process will take into consideration and update only the tables related to those years.

The table analytics_completenesstarget, is not partitioned by years. This means that this particular table should always be updated independently of the years chosen. Those flags are used for tables that are actually partitioned by years This is not the case for analytics_completenesstarget.

For analytics_completenesstarget the swap should happen renaming the table analytics_completenesstarget_temp to analytics_completenesstarget.

The cause could be a bug that is making the swapping fail in some specific cases.

Have you tried to reproduce this problem in recent versions, like 2.38dev?
If you are, would be nice to know the exact steps, so we can investigate and fix it in current supported versions.

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