Compile error

when I maven the dhis-web-apps, got this:

… s\dhis223\trunk\core\dhis2-core\dhis-2\dhis-web\dhis-web-apps\target\dhis-web-apps\dhis-web-cache-cleaner’
[INFO] [clone] [reports-app] shallow clone failed. Starting clone with --no-single-branch. This may take some time
[INFO] [clone] [core-resource-app] shallow clone failed. Starting clone with --no-single-branch. This may take some time
[INFO] [clone] [translations-app] shallow clone failed. Starting clone with --no-single-branch. This may take some time
[INFO] [clone] [tracker-capture-app] shallow clone failed. Starting clone with --no-single-branch. This may take some time

and some app can’t download, the dir is empty.

what’s wrong?

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Hi @linxd

Could you run the command git --version in the command prompt? You need to have Git installed to be able to build DHIS2 from source.


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