Compatibility Web app / Capure Android app/ use-case-app

We are currently implementing the DHIS2-RTS in the Comoros using v2.40.3.2 and use-case-app 1.1.0. But the Program Rules (which work on the web) are not working in the Capture Android app (neither v3, nor v2.9.1.1 nor v2.9).
Can somebody please provide a table indicating the Web app, Android Capture app and Use-case-app with the respective versions which are compatible.
Thank you!


Is there a chance you share the program rules? There’s a list in the docs: Differences between the Program Rules in the web and the Android version .

Thank you!

Hi @George_McGuire

If any of the program rules assigns the value of an TEI attribute to another it may be related to the other issue reported by the community.

If so it’s DHIS2 core related, happens on v40 and v41 (if they are using the new importer, which will be active by default if no ASWA is installed) and will be fixed in the next minor patch release. A way to verify this would be to create do a quick test with one of the program rules that don’t work in a 2.39 instance.


Thanks Gassim: important to note that the DHIS2-RTS was working without problems on the web and the Capture Android app in v40 (always using the most recent versions) and also in v41.
The program rules are documented here:


The complete configuration is available in our sandbox:
Credentials on the login screen.

Hi @George_McGuire

Thank you for providing all these details. I’m so glad they’re easily accessible through the instance you shared.

The program rule (RTS - Assign item code based on the item description) is exactly as described by @Xavi so this has been identified as a bug that will be fixed:

However, out of the four RTS program rules, this one is the only one that uses program attributes (TEAs) and the other ones are using data elements, are you sure all of these four aren’t working as well?


Hi Gassim. Thanks, but this program rule (which is working) is not being used in the Comoros implementation, sorry for that, but the DHIS2-RTS is still not working.

Thanks for your help, the issue has been resolved:

  • the original problem of program rules not prompting in the DHIS2-RTS Capture Android app was caused by a missing sharing setting, apologies for this false alarm
  • however a second and serious issue was found which systematically blocks the synchronisation: the custom app generates “fake” non-integer values such as 1000.0 despite all Value types having been set to Integer and all values being entered as integers. This “non-integer” then blocks the synchronisation unless the value type is changed to “Number” which in turn blocks the Program rule. The problem was resolved by JM by multiplying the Program rule result by 1 which apparently prompts Android to remove the “fake” decimal and post an integer value. JM will take up the issue with the technical team and, if necessary, raise a JIRA ticket
    Therefore pleased to confirm that, with the JM work around (!) v3.0 now works flawlessly with v2.40.3.2.

Hi @George_McGuire ,

I believe that we detected that issue already, could you please take a look at it to confirm it is the same one or not? :slightly_smiling_face:

If it is, a fix will be released in the next android capture app minor patch release (3.0.1).
