Colour of the Favorite's SubTitle/Title (Dashboard app feature requests)


In Data Visualizer when we change the color of the subtitle/title in a Chart/Graph , though it changes there but the changed colour is not shown on Dashboard. Please help

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Hi @Neha_joshi

Thank you for reporting this. I am able to reproduce this but I’m not sure if this is a feature request or a bug issue. I think this is actually a feature request but I will need to double check with the frontend team and we’ll get back to you.

Any other style changes that you’re making and want to see in the Dashboard app?


Thanks AL-Gassim Sharaf Addin

Yes there are two more feature requests if these can be solved soon. The project person has raised this request with us. I am attaching the requests with screen shots. So now in total three requests are there
Dashboard Feature Request.pdf (332.9 KB)

Thank you @Neha_joshi ! Normally, I’d ask you to add an idea (see ideas) or a feature request to but I’m opening the discussion with the team first (and maybe other community members will provide us with feedback about this.

Rephrasing and listing the feature requests you added:


Spacing between numbers in the visualizations … (see Comma separation at visualizations - #3 by jason)

There are quite a number of favorites with the same name such as “Beneficiaries Registered” so to be able to specify which one is which they add a project name to the favorite “APL TMC” for instance; however, adding the suffix is affecting the overall appeal of the dashboard. Their request is that they’re able to find the favorite based on the description and not just the name OR to be able to rename the favorite name when added to the dashboard.

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Yes AL-Gassim Sharaf Addin. Thanks for putting up further with the team. I will wait for the revert. Keep me posted on the progress.


Please tag me I will be following up on this but since I am working on a custom version of the dashboard app will explore these features

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Hi @Neha_joshi

It appears that the standard is set in the Dashboard on all graphs/charts in order to keep consistency. Most probably a feature to reserve the styling from the Data Visualizer app might not serve everyone’s experience/request.

On the other hand, you might be able to use the sytle.css to make the changes you want and use the selector for the chart title with the custom color you want.

text.highcharts-subtitle {

1. fill: #1750ff !important;
