Click on complete button

Hi all,

I have the following question:

The data in the data entry are saved regardless of whether you click on the complete button. So, what is exactly the functionality of the Complete button in Data Entry? Not clicking on it affects the data?


Hey @hernandezmachava,

In response to your inquiry, Yes, the data entered using the data entry app is saved regardless.
But although not clicking on the ‘complete’ button doesn’t affect your data directly, the system uses the information when generating completeness reports for your organization units. So it is advisable to click the complete button when using the data entry app. You can find more information in the documentation: Data Entry - DHIS2 Documentation.

I hope our response is able to solve the issue you were facing.

With :heavy_heart_exclamation: from the Dhistance Team. The Easiest DHIS2 Setup. Up and running in 5 minutes!

No technical knowledge needed! Great Support with Data Security/Confidentiality.

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