Citizen Journey

Hello dear community
Query if I may. Assisting Laboratories to get rid of paperwork at welcoming, registering, reporting, giving certificates to citizens going through a rapid TEST.
Currently all personal infromation is collected manually in papers and then at the end of the journey someone types in the data in an XLS file.
Took a look at capture app and it seems great fit.

  • Can you share any powerpoint / material presenting the whole citizen journey and how the capture app help in that ?
  • Can you point me to a web based version of the app so that we don’t have dependencies on Android ?
  • Can the capture be linked to printer to print our paper certificate at the end ?


We’ve heard of a few similar use cases through the DHIS2 community gor using DHIS2 Tracker and DHIS2 Android for registering & reporting, plus a custom DHIS2 app for generating certificates (printed or digital). Here are a few resources from our HISP Mozambique/Saudigitus partner supporting Guinea Bissau for generating COVID-19 negative test certificates/travel passes and HISP Rwanda: Going paperless for COVID-19 testing in Rwanda with DHIS2 Android Capture App - DHIS2

I hope these help!


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