Check audit logs for specific user in dhis2

Dear Support,

We have setup a dhis2 application by using below link:
Installation - DHIS2 Documentation

Application is working fine. Now we need to check to activity of the users. We found command “dhis2-logview instance-name” but it will work with LXC container. Could you please guide us how can we do that in this server.


Hi @MohinderS

Great to know that the installation was successful. Did you use Docker this time as well? I remember in your last post, you were asking about using Docker?

Regarding system auditing, please have you seen the following information in the docs: Audit - DHIS2 Documentation


Hello @AL-Gassim,

Thanks for your response, now we can see the audit logs under dhis2/logs/dhis-audit.log.
And we haven’t try docker but surely will try soon.

Thanks again.