Change the default Calendar View/Date Widget on DHIS2 Capture App

Hi team,

The default date widget in the Capture App is as below with flexibility to switch between years and months:

It also allows flexibility to switch to a different calendar view as below. My question is, is there a way to have the calendar view below as the default one instead of the one above?:
Screenshot from 2023-09-30 03-22-02

Hi @Quoda

Thank you for sharing your suggestion. It might sound like a good feature to have if it proves more flexibility for users. Would you like to create a feature request (here) and share the link here so others can vote/watch/comment?


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Alright @Gassim
I have gone forward to create a ticket for this feature request and can be located here


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Hi @Quoda

As Gassim mentions it can’t be exactly configured to have it as default but if you change the calendar once, then the app will remember it and display it on the different screens.


Hi @nancyesp
I think I’ll accept this as a workaround.

Thank you.