Category option combo: must be part of category combo of data element

Hello all,

I am trying to Bulk Load a data set. I downloaded the specified dataset template and used dropdown menus to fill the required fields. When I try to upload the dataset I received a few warnings like the following:

Category option combo: OclCvGlzpzy must be part of category combo of data element: FRRhiEznM4Y

when I looked up the identifiers OclCvGlzpzy and FRRhiEznM4Y in the metadata sheet in the template excel file I found out that they are disaggregation type and indicator respectively. The disaggregation types were accepted for other indicators but not that specific one.

Any idea how to resolve this issue?



I have two follow-up questions:

  1. Can you be a bit more precise as to what you did to make the error arise? Did this error occur when you uploaded the metadata or the data for example?
  2. The error message you got makes very little sense if the UIDs correspond to a disaggregation type and an indicator. I would double check what the items are listed as in DHIS2 via the URL /api/metadata?filter=id:eq:OclCvGlzpzy and /api/metadata?filter=id:eq:FRRhiEznM4Y
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