Cannot register new clients in android app in malaria tracker program (play 40)

I am trying to use the Android Capture for the tracker program. So. I downloaded the Android capture app and logged in to the domain. And I opened the malaria focus tracker program. Then I can see the list of entities. But, I cannot register new entities. Could anyone pleas guide me how to register new client?

Hello @Kyawmoewai_Ngp. You will need to make sure your user has the proper permissions to add TEIs, if that’s the case, you should also note that Android imposes a serarch before adding a TEI, this is in order to avoid duplicates due to the offline nature of Android (the search will be performed locallyl and on server side if the device has connectivity).

Please, check both and let us know.

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I use the dhis2 capture app(version 2.8.2). And logged in with admin user in DHIS 2 Demo - Sierra Leone domain. when I open the tracker programs i can’t find any button to register new clients.

Please, search for a TEI frist, and a (+) button should appear in the bottom right corner.


I found it now, thank you so much for your answer.


@Kyawmoewai_Ngp , @jaime.bosque please the same issue, i can see the program but i cannot by a button to register. I do not understand when you say i should seach for TEI frist, sorry i am new. Thank you

Hi @Ornella

When you want to enroll a new TEI, you first need to use the search feature which is the first thing at the top that appears when you enter a program. Even though you already know that TEI is not in the program, enter their name in the search and search so that after you perform the search, you will see a + button appear at the bottom corner of the screen. Click on the + button to enroll the TEI.

@Gassim thank for your help, here are the pictures when i login here is what i see:

when i enter in the program

That’s good, so when you enter the program there is a “search” field.

You can see it’s written search so type in the participant’s name there and type enter. Since the TEI is not registered, after you have performed the search you will after that see the + button to enroll a new TEI.

@Gassim in the search field when i click on it here is what i have

and when i enter a Participant Number any

i still do not see the (+)

please have i done somethong wrong, still cannot see the (+) to add

It seems that it’s expecting more than one field (three attributes) but I can only see one search field. Please see if other fields appear so you are able to perform the search.

The + button will only appear after you have performed an actual search and now, it has not searched yet.

why does it ask me to enter 3 attributes, do you have an idea on how to change it?

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Yes, found it. Thanks! I will remember this in the future:

From the program configuration, in the same page where you enter the name, scroll down to the end of the page and you will find the field “Minimum number of attributes required to search.”

Thank you!

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@Gassim thank you it works

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