Cannot login on android

Dear all,
when i fill correct login already and press login button, I got a message popup on android.
could you help how to fix this issue?

thank you

Could you share the information when you click on the button “SHARE”? I think there might be some problem with your metadata and the full message could help. Thanks

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Hi @jaime.bosque ,
Here is below:

Cause: The server could not complete this request.

Exception: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Cannot deserialize value of type from String “LAST_IN_PERIOD”: not one of the values accepted for Enum class: [DEFAULT, MAX, LAST_AVERAGE_ORG_UNIT, SUM, COUNT, CUSTOM, STDDEV, AVERAGE_SUM_ORG_UNIT, LAST, NONE, AVERAGE, VARIANCE, MIN]
at [Source: (okhttp3.ResponseBody$BomAwareReader); line: 1, column: 594153] (through reference chain:[“programs”]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->$$AutoValue_Program$Builder[“programIndicators”]->java.util.ArrayList[491]->$$AutoValue_ProgramIndicator$Builder[“aggregationType”])

Created: Thu Sep 09 17:09:45 GMT+07:00 2021

Error component: Server


Thanks @Channara . It seems there might be something wrong with the metadata. Is there a possibilty to share credentials to the server (via Private Message)?

plz guide how to share.

@Channara, please do you have the server credentials? If you do then send them to @jaime.bosque by clicking on his username and select Message.

Sorry, if you don’t have the credentials then the server admin should have these details. Thank you!

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Click on my username and click on “Message” :slight_smile:

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