Can we have a Sharing Dialog without being wrapped in a Modal Component?

This is how the current sharing dialog implemented with the team at dhis2 /ui.

Is there a way to use the component without being wrapped with the modal ?

Hi @Danford_David :wave:

There is currently no way to use the Sharing Dialog component without the Modal.

What is the use case for a Modal-less Sharing Dialog ?


@varl ,For our case we use sharing dialog as a part of other component of our system ,in the stages of configurations of our system .(we were just need the sharing component as it’s without those model effects)

Interesting, I’ll follow-up with UX to see if this is something we can support.

@Danford_David would a “Manage Sharing” button which opens the Sharing Dialog work in your use-case? Displaying read-only sharing information inline while keeping the editing tools in the modal would likely provide a more streamlined interface for your users. (cc @joecooper)

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Thanks @varl , it will be great

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Hello @Danford_David, I’m a designer at DHIS2 :wave:.

As @varl said, there’s no way of using the sharing dialog functionality without the modal. We’ve talked about how we might offer a set of sharing utility components in the future, so this is a good use case for that. However, that isn’t under development yet.

The idea suggested by @austin could work well: show the sharing information as read-only text with an action button “Manage sharing” that opens the sharing dialog. Keeping the sharing dialog inside the modal also reduces the complexity of the interface.

Feel free to post more detailed examples of your use case, happy to discuss more.

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Hello @austin , @joecooper & @varl , Thanks for your response , I will share the suggestions with my team ,and see what they thinks ( then I would move forward from their), But I would keep in touch to receive future updates concern this feature.

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