Can I deploy DHIS2 as a backend API without building the Web app image in Docker

I am building a platform for publicc good and would like to give the users the opportunity to use DHIS2 as a backend API

However, I want to find out, how do I deploy DHIS2 without coupling it with the app platform or building the dhis-web/pom.xml in docker

Hi @jetisco4u

I’ve triaged your question. I think even if you deployed the app platform, you could still use the API, right?

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I am deploying a platform that host all the apps I need in a single application

So basically I only need the API features of the DHIS2

It would be really hard to deploy “just the api” just because of how DHIS2 is packaged. However, the net resource benefit of having an API alone is minimal since the “frontend” is composed of react apps that are light and utilize the API for their functionality

That being said, have a look at docker hub and see what images you can find there

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The platform I am deploying is more minified and would be easy to manage, the plan is to make DHIS2 one of the API provider