Can a metadata CSV import happen for 'Category' objects?

Hi DHIS2 support community,

I have been doing imports of metadata through the “import/export” app in DHIS2 and I have been following this documentation link to know how I should structure the metadata when importing:

Now currently the documentation includes an import option for these object types:

  • Data elements
  • Data element groups
  • Category options
  • Category option groups
  • Organisation units
  • Organisation unit groups
  • Validation rules
  • Option sets
  • Translations

However, this list does not mention ‘Category’ and ‘Category_combo’ objects and it is not included in the DHIS2 documentation. But these objects are included as available metadata import options in the “import/export” app.

Has anyone done a metadata import of ‘Category’ objects before? Also would it be possible to also include a list of ‘Category_options’ in a ‘Category’ object during the import? (kind of like how the metadata import for Options_sets and Options happen

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Hi @hs_s . Are you referring specifically to the CSV import functionality?



Hi @jason,

Yes, I am referring to the CSV import functionality (I am going to edit my question to include that since I realised I did not include that detail)

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