Is the Cache strategy (and Cacheability) valid only for requests to the analytics endpoint (/api/analytics) or for all API requests (no matter the endpoint)?
In the UI, it is placed in the Analytics section and in the System settings documentation it says “Decides for how long reports analytics responses should be cached.”
But I see some old jira tickets reflecting different approaches, like Jira.
In another Jira ticket related to the one you mentioned, Move cache strategy documentation to Analytics section - DHIS2-18767, the Cache strategy was moved from System settings to be specifically under Analytics settings. Additionally, from the description, “Decides for how long reports analytics responses should be cached.” it does seem specific for only the Analytics endpoint.
I don’t know what would happen if one removes those settings from the dhis.conf and enables them using the UI (or the opposite)… would it still work? It’d be interesting to test. Did you try and it didn’t work?