Bulk Tracker Data Import


Is there a possibility to import tracker data in bulk?
I want to create multiple TEI using data import and also would like to enrol the same TEI in different programs as they have same TrackedEntity. Similar to what we do through the UI(if two programs uses the same TrackedEntity, you can select the 2nd program from the list of available programs and enrol the same TEI into the 2nd program as well). I am currently using 2.36.3.

Any help is appreciated.

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Hey, @Neeraj_Gupta, welcome to the community! :tada: In short, yes, it’s possible to import tracker data in bulk using the API. Please, have you seen the “Using API - Tracker” docs (https://docs.dhis2.org/en/develop/using-the-api/dhis-core-version-master/tracker.html#webapi_import_parameters) Please let me know if you find it helpful for your purpose.


Thank you Gassim, I will give this a try and will let you know.

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You’re welcome! @Neeraj_Gupta, may I ask if you tried and did it work? Thank you! (:

Hello Grassim, No I haven’t checked this yet. I will inform if I will test this.

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