[Bug] - Unable to uncheck "Yes only" Data Elements in Aggregated (Data Entry App)

Hi folks,

I have found a very interesting issue while using the former version of the “Data Entry” App. For aggregated data elements whose value type is “Yes only”, if for whatever reason you check and uncheck it in the data set, the action of unchecking does not occur and the data element value is left unchanged.

Here are some pictures:

If I unchecked, this is what shows in console:

If I reload the app, it will appear as if I have never unchecked the data element to begin with.

This is happening in any version higher than 2.40 (Matter of fact, the pictures are from the demo server DHIS 2 Demo - Sierra Leone, however, I can confirm this is happening at Login app | DHIS2)

I do find interesting however, that this issue is happening only within the old Data Entry App, while the new Data Entry App (Beta) is not experiencing such issue (I would like to point out that the people I work with sometimes uses custom code, which is easier to handle and render in the previous app, versus the new one).

Any thoughts are very much welcome!

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Sorry for the incovenience here @Juan_Flamenco . Thanks for reaching out and letting us know.

Would you be able to submit a ticket for this on our Jira (DHIS 2 Software - Issues - Jira) so we can add it to our development work?

We hope that you can use the Data Entry (Beta) app as that app is the main app nowadays (despite the name). Custom form styling works in Data Entry (Beta), but support for custom code in the new app is limited for security reasons. If you have a specific case where you are using code for something, please let us know as we hope to build more core functionality into the new app to reduce the need for custom scripts in data entry forms.

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