Blank page when creating/editing tracker programs

Thank I’ve cleared cache and it works. While you are online, please help me on this new new problem. I’m trying to Edit a program from Maintenance App but it shows a blank page view the attached image

Same applies when I try to create a new Tracker or Event Program

Please check the user role and authorities. If the user doesn’t have sharing settings to create/edit programs then this is possibly why you are seeing this.


I have updated it but it still doesn’t work

Please check again using Guest mode, and could you share the authorities the user has?

Additionally for the program you are trying to edit, could you make sure that the user is given sharing access as an editor:

When I click Sharing settings nothing happens be it looks like the editing access is there

Hi are you still here

Please clarify further what you mean by “nothing happens” when you click on sharing settings?

Hi I figured out the issue thanks

Great, could you share what it was and the solution? Thanks!