Associate Trainers with Trainees

Hello, In a capture app(event) where there is program “Training Participant Information” for a particular training. It is used to store trainees information.
But now I want the trainer information along with each trainees. Since registering trainer information for each trainee is not efficient, Is their another way in dhis2?


This all depends on how your tracker program “Training Participant Information” is designed. It might be possible that the trainer is linked to an Organization Unit and in return all the trainees as well, but this all depends on how the program is designed.


Well as you can see, It is simple and straight forward the program is directly applied in the region hierarchy. It doesn’t have any trainer logic yet. I wanted some efficient way to incorporate it with trainees information without repeatedly adding it with each one.

Hi @Eyuel_Nigussie ,
As far as I can understand your case, you may want to have a separate section in the form for trainer information without capturing it in a different event program. An efficient way will be to create this separate section for the trainer information and create program rules that auto-completes the Trainer information section from previous entries. This way, the first time the user completes the form, they will have to input the trainer information, and if subsequent training were made by the same trainer, subsequent forms will open with the Trainer section automatically populated, and the user will only need to complete the Training information section.

Please note that if you use this method, the trainer section will not only be auto-populated, but will be locked for editing. And there is a point where the trainer information is not the same as the previous since it could be a different training conducted by a different trainer, and the user will want to update the Trainer information. In this case, you could have a “yes only” question that ask if the user wants to update the trainer information. And the program rule that auto-populates this section should be dependent on this “yes only” question.

I hope you find this helpful.