Assign a value to a data element based on the org unit selected

Hi everyone,
I’m new to dhis2 and I’m corrently using the 2.28 Version.
I have tried to assign a value to a data element based on the org unit the user select to a program rule, using the V{orgunit_code}. Basiclly what Im tryng to achiev is, if we select a certain Org Unit we should assign a value to a data element.

Hi @KhalidBapu

As you described the program rule condition (expression) - change the code to the ocde of the specific org unit:

Then the result of this condition, make field mandatory.

You can learn more about configuring program rules in the docs and also from the digital academy sessions you will find the in the DHIS2 YouTube channel. Please feel free to post back if you need more info.

Hope this works! :+1: