I would like to inquire whether it is possible to send any notifications to the Capture Android app on a mobile device?
I understand that I can configure “Notifications” in any Tracker Program but that those notifications will be received in the “DHIS2-Messaging” which, I think, is only available in the web app.
Our eLMIS use case: the medical store sends a notification (from a system external to DHIS2) to the storekeeper to inform her/him of a shipment of medical supplies which will arrive.
Yes, @George_McGuire. I think you are right, the android app doesn’t seem to send notifications directly to devices (@dhis2-android, am I correct?)
If I understand correctly:
Medical store → Tracker Program → Storekeeper who uses the Android app
Medical store could send an API request using the external system that triggers a program rule in a specific Tracker Program → Notification is triggered in this program → if the Storekeeper is a TE then the notification could either send an Email or, if the SMS is configured, and SMS message.
Maybe @dhis2-android could accept a feature to be able to send notifications to the user’s android app?
Hi @George_McGuire !
The android app does not support notifications yet. There is a jira ticket (check it here) and it is currently in the roadmap for v3.2 (next year).
Thanks a lot for spelling this out.
Thanks a lot Pablo for the confirmation, we will be looking out for this new feature!