Hello I am wondering if given an id for a indicator ie “qDXW7WMLT99” or indicator name ie ARV Adult - 1d = AZT/3TC+DTG 150/300mg + 50mg 1st line if there is a way using the api to find the data elements location so I can query it.
For example I inspect elements from a generated report to determine where the data is coming from and I get.
<span class="val" data-de="wfaQBIVQxWo" data-co="NtjMVmRfvHH">2</span>
but when I go to the data set wfaQBIVQxWo it doesn’t contain NtjMVmRfvHH also I can not find NtjMVmRfvHH when I scrap the dataElement ids from dataElements but the value of 2 is clearly coming from somewhere so how can I find that end point?
Thank you for your help