Announcing the 2025 App Competition

Calling all DHIS2 developers!

We are excited to announce the return of the annual DHIS2 App Competition!

As in previous years, the DHIS2 App Competition is an opportunity to highlight some of the many amazing innovations created by members of the DHIS2 community which extend the core functionality of the DHIS2 platform.

This year, we’re expanding the competition to include any extension of DHIS2 including web apps, Android apps, integration tooling, dashboard or capture plugins, and more. To be eligible, any extension must simply meet the following requirements:

  1. It must be generic and reusable
  2. It must be available to the public (for example on the app hub) and be open-source
  3. It should be useful and have the potential for impact
  4. (optional, but recommended) it should make use of the extensibility tools provided by the DHIS2 core team, such as the App Platform, the Android SDK, the DHIS2 Camel Component, the DHIS2 REST API, and more.

As always, the finalists selected from all submissions will be invited to present their extensions live at the 2025 DHIS2 Annual Conference, where the audience will select this year’s winner.

If you are considering a submission this year we ask that you please fill out this simple form expressing your interest as soon as possible - even if you’re not yet sure what you might build!

We will accept App Competition submissions starting in April, with the final deadline for submissions on May 4, 2025, but you can start developing your app today!

We are excited to see what great innovations you will share with the community this year - may the Fourth be with you!


I am interesting


Great @Nematullah_Omary, excited to see your submission! If you sign up on this form we will keep you updated about the competition over the next two months. Thank you!

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@Chilando and @Kalubi what do you think?