Android capture 2.1.2: can't search orgunits name on language other than english

When I open the app in the Arabic language the translated version of orgunits are displayed correctly but the search using the Arabic name of an orgunit can’t return any result, it only returns a result when I use the English name although they are displayed in Arabic.

Hey Hazma,

I am trying in my local server but I am having issues to use Arabic. Any chance you could share some credentials
to access your testing server via Private Message?

thanks for your replay @jaime.bosque, I’ve sent you a private message with the credentials

Hi @hamza,
@jaime.bosque, i have already fixed it. The problem was the search was comparing with the org. unit name variable which is not translated. Changed it to use the displayName did the trick.

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great to hear that, thank you @Pablo and @jaime.bosque