Android app sync parameters question

Hi all,
Can anyone help me understand the android app sync parameters? What do these numbers mean (screenshot below) - the max is 500 TEIs but the current number of TEIs is 808? Would that interfere with capture or syncing?
In general, how have you managed space within the app to avoid losing data while keeping the login/sync team reasonable in the field?

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Hi Natalie,

maybe that parameter showing “MAX” TEIs could be something confusing becuase it does not mean the max number of TEIs you can have in the device, but the max number of TEIs that are downloaded in every sync.

Supposing that it is set to 500, in the initial sync it will download 500 TEIs (maximum). It will also download related relationships, so the number of TEIs after the initial sync might be greater than 500 because of relationships.

In consecutive syncs it will try again to download a maximum of 500 TEIs modified after the latest successful sync. There are usually an overlap of TEIs between different downloads, so it does not mean that you get 500 new TEIs in every sync. But it is true that the number of TEIs in the device will become higher and higher. We plan to include some kind of automatic removal task of unused TEIs based on lastUpdated value in next versions.

Hope this helps!

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