Analytics button not available on the home screen

Congratulations to launching v41 and Android 3.0, really exciting new features.

In the Capture Android app, I do not see the buttons at the bottom of the screen for accessing the analytics.

This screenshot is taking from a development version (2.10 - 031824 - Beta.apk) with the analytics button visible and functional:


But on the screen of Capture App 3.0, those buttons are missing on the home screen. There are some off-line analytics which are configured but only accessible through the respective Data sets and Tracker programs.


Is there a setting I am missing to display the analytics button on the home screen?

Hi @George_McGuire !

Thank you for reporting. Make sure all the visualizations are assigned in the Android Settings WebApp and that are also properly shared with the user.
Doc: Settings configuration - DHIS2 Documentation

Let us know if you need any other information.

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