Aggregate indicators vs aggregate totals

Hi all,

I want to create the following paper form in the DHIS 2 as a custom data set. As the image below shows, on this form there are three columns for totals: female, male, < 5y, female, male, 10-14 y, female, male, 15+y and the total for all females and males.

My question is: should I build these totals as indicators and assign them to the total column fields?

How the following totals work? This image is from DHIS 2 play dataset ART monthly summary.

What is advisable to do to calculate these totals in the custom dataset?


Hi Hernandez,
I am a firm believer in never asking for totals in a form. Guaranteed to end up with errors leading to data quality issues. Either paper or DHIS…
For the age groups, do not ask for a total. For the Total column (last column) you can create a count indicator that adds up all the gender and age - if you insist.
About data element naming - you do not need to use Number (No) in the DE name as these are all numbers anyway
Not sure if this will help you

Hi @Norah_Stoops,

I am so happy with your explanation. We have many forms with total columns and I have asked myself if we need to include these totals when we are creating forms in the DHIS 2.
By count indicator, do you mean aggregate indicator with indicator type: Number (Factor 1)?


Hi Hernandez,
Yes, I use the term count indicator as it just adds up the raw numbers and it uses a factor of 1.
The problem with using totals in a paper form is that 5 + 5 may total up to 12. Some times the total figure makes more sense than the separate figures, so never ask for a total, you will just get confused.

Hi @Norah_Stoops,

And about displaying age groups totals in the pivot table when visualizing data? would this be the only way?


If you need the separate age group totals, then you will have to create a count indicator for the gender for each age group. But this indicator total does NOT need to be shown on the data entry form, it can be just be calculated on the fly ie as you go.

Hi @Norah_Stoops,

Thank you so much. I will create count indicators and group them in one indicator group.