Adding multiple items to the dashboard

Hie, I am running DHIS2 instance and I have encountered an issue where when I try to add multiple (in this case 2) items on the dashboard, I am only able to see the first item, while the other items are just blank as attached. What could be an issue?

what type of visualiser on the second item? and what version of visualizer app are you using?

Screenshot 2024-10-17 104035
This is the second chart in data visualizer. I am running data visualizer version 100.0.3

Try to update to version 100.7.2 and check again

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Hie. Is there a documentation that I can use to update my visualizer app?

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Hi @Pachawo_Bisani

You can check out the steps in this video or follow the steps in the docs: Event Reports to Line Listing - DHIS2 Documentation . The app in context is different but all follow the same steps.

I hope this helps. Thanks!

Hie @Gassim,
Thank you so much. This was helpful. I updated my dashboard to the latest version. The problem is solved.

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