In the Tracker Capture app, when using the tabular data entry layout, the make new referral and schedule new event buttons are disabled. Add new event works fine. I’ve tested with different users including admin user. If I switch to timeline data entry layout, I can use the referral button there, but not in tabular data entry. Looking at the html behind the buttons, I see the ‘disabled’ property is duplicated with the second reference being set to ‘disabled’:
<button type="button" ng-attr-title="{{'schedule_new_event'|translate}}"
class="btn btn-info long-vertical-spacing" ng-
click="showCreateEvent(currentStage, eventCreationActions.schedule)" ng-
disabled="selectedEntity.inactive || selectedEnrollment.status !== 'ACTIVE' || selectedOrgUnit.closedStatus || currentStage.hideDueDate || currentStage.periodType || (!currentStage.repeatable && eventsByStage[].length > 0)"
title="Schedule new event"
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>