24 Sept - 14:00 - DHIS2 Research Q&A

In this discussion thread, feel free to ask questions related to the DHIS2 Research session of the 2020 DHIS2 Digital Annual Conference. You can post your questions ahead of, during, or after the session. The panellists will check this thread for questions, and select some for responding to in the session, or follow up after the session has ended. Feel free to respond to other questions or add to them if you have something to follow up with.


Very important area. What is the scope of research thematic areas that DHIS2 could help?

Hi Nasir,
In terms of DHIS2 and research there are two topics to discuss; firstly DHIS2 as a data collection tool to answer a research question, but secondly (and this will be discussed in today’s session) - research on what it takes to build sustainable information systems.

What do you work on/what interests you in terms of research?

Kind regards,
Anne (Evaluation coordinator, UiO)

From today’s session - I would like to have your opinions on HOW we best take findings from research projects in the field into practical change - beyond academic papers! Share your experiences :slight_smile:

Hi @aprisa! How many days do you averagely use for the capacity building training or a TOT of specific project-based DHIS2? And what’s the recommendation duration to conduct it?

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Hi, @Nilza! Could you share your experience and tell us about the factors to be considered to successfully transitioning from paper based reporting to the DHIS2 as the source? Is there any document or guideline for transitioning?

Question to Arunima: how did the Odisha government receive the findings of your research, when you presented to them?

Hi @Aung.K.Min,
Thank you for your question.

Before the pandemic, we conducted 3 days face-to-face training (8 hours per day). Now with this online course, we’re spreading the training into 3 training days (each 120-150 minutes), with couple days between each session. The reason for this ‘break’ days is to give time to the participants to do assignments, watch videos for next session, do quizzes, etc.

I would be very happy if you’d like to connect and discuss about online capacity building :slight_smile:


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Thanks @Aprisa,
Sure, it would be great to connect and discuss more.

What sustainable information system could link the global south uncounted information data?