24 Sept - 13:00 - The DHIS2 Design Lab - Promoting user-oriented design and innovation Q&A

In this discussion thread, feel free to ask questions related to the The DHIS2 Design Lab - Promoting user-oriented design and innovation session of the 2020 DHIS2 Digital Annual Conference. You can post your questions ahead of, during, or after the session. The panellists will check this thread for questions, and select some for responding to in the session, or follow up after the session has ended. Feel free to respond to other questions or add to them if you have something to follow up with.

The recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.


When we have feedback on the design and functionality of the system from our end users, what’s the best way to get this back to the team at UiO? We have Jira tickets open for some key issues around data entry in low-connectivity /low tech literacy settings but these haven’t received a lot of traction.

How can I get the presentation?

Hi @aguambe - @magl will upload the slides to the session on Sched, and the video will be posted on the Annual Conference playlist on our YouTube channel

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Hi @Guerra-Arias_Maria you can raise them on the Community of Practice and tag the relevant product manager (@Lars or myself) to raise the visibility with both the core team and the community - that way other implementers experiencing the same challenges or wanting the same features can contribute to the discussion as well!

Hi Austin, thanks for your reply. They are mostly challenges related to the data entry app in Aggregate. Who would be the relevant product manager for that?

Currently the relevant PM is @Lars since this is part of the Platform team, and feel free to tag me as well.

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I am asking because on Monday I could easily get the presentations as they were linked to the Schedule…it was straightforward…today the presentation don’t seem to be linked to the agenda items…

Sorry, the slides are now uploaded to the sched: The Digital DHIS2 Annual Conference: The DHIS2 Design Lab - Promoting user-or...