23 Sept - 15:00 - RMNCAH Q&A

In this discussion thread, feel free to ask questions related to the RMNCAH session of the 2020 DHIS2 Digital Annual Conference. You can post your questions ahead of, during, or after the session. The panellists will check this thread for questions, and select some for responding to in the session, or follow up after the session has ended. Feel free to respond to other questions or add to them if you have something to follow up with.

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These are the presentations:

  1. Beatrice Akeyo, “DHIS2 Android App for Rapid Result Initiative Information Gathering for Monitoring to Increase 4th ANC Attendance, Skilled Birth Attendance (SBA) and PNC Attendance”
  2. Brian O’Donnell, “Client movement through the health system”
  3. Prabin Khadka, “Using Client based Clinic Management Information Systems (CMIS) that is integrated with DHIS 2 helps to take informed decisions to improve performance and quality of care at service provision level by minimizing the burden of Duplication work to Service provider at Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN) Clinics”

Question to Beatrice: what were some of the specific service delivery challenges in the health facilities? I am referring to the ‘micro plans for each facility’.

Question to Brian: what are some of the implementation considerations to be able to do this analysis? You mentioned one of them - one client one record. How can we, as implementers, achieve this?

How long did the it take to have the systems intergretated and which major challenges were faced

Question to Prabin