22 Sept - 16:00 - Android - Experts Lounge Q&A

Is there any plan for easing manual data sync function? Like push down sync, one click sync etc…

Hi @Aung.K.Min.

The granular sync was included some versions ago (Home - DHIS2 Documentation) . This allows you to sync by clicking a single button for a specific TEI (see the example below) or for a specific program.

For a full sync you will still need to go to the Settings > Sync data

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Thanks, @jaime.bosque for the information!
But still, I think it would be good to include the full sync function on the main page which will ease a lot for the users.

Hi @Aung.K.Min so far we have not received such a use case. But feel free to request it through JIRA and we will evaluate and, maybe, include in following versions.


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Hi, @jaime.bosque and all!
I would like to know your opinion on which Android Capture App version (2.2.2 or 2.3) will be the most compatible with DHIS2 V2.34?
We are currently upgrading our DHIS2 instance to V2.34 and testing with the app V2.2.2. We still found out the reported bugs of program rules and the mandatory/compulsory field not working in the 2.2.2 (I would raise it in the Jira separately).
Thus, I would like to know whether we still work on 2.2.2 or waiting for the 2.3 release as we are very limited to update the app for only once.
Another thing is that as we are upgrading from DHIS2 V2.30 to V2.34 with Android Capture App version 1.3.1 to (2.2.2 or 2.3 depending on your recommendation), I would also like to know whether the Android Capture App version 1.3.1 would be compatible with DHIS2 V2.34 as we have to provide the transition period for App update with internet limitation.

Thank you,

Hi @Aung.K.Min

Regarding the application V2.2.2 I would recommend for you waiting until 2.3 is published (most probably this week), then I would make tests and if everything works well deploy it to your field users. We always recommend using the latest version of Android whenever it is possible as we do not currently support backporting fixes.

Regarding 1.3.1 and 2.34 I am not 100% sure as I am not sure if things changed in the API. I am pinging @vgarciabnz as he probably can advise better.


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Hi @Aung.K.Min,

The application V1.3.1 is not compatible with 2.34. But V2.2.2 and V2.3 are compatible with 2.34 and 2.30. So the recommended approach to do this upgrade is:

  1. Update app version in first place. It does not matter if this process takes a few days: users with V1.3.1 or V2.2.2 can use the app because it is compatible with 2.30.
  2. Once all end-users have updated their applications you can upgrade the server to 2.34 and the users will continue using the application.


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Thank you, @jaime.bosque @vgarciabnz for your recommendations!
It does help me to clearly understand each implication and anticipate smooth upgrading.


Hi @jaime.bosque!
Could I know when will the Android Capture app V2.3 be released as there seemed to be some delayed?

@marta can probably reply to that better than me.

Hi @Aung.K.Min,

the release will be out today together with 2.35.

Thanks for following up!

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Thanks for the information, @marta!

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