Translation update not working

Hi, Community
I installed the WHO Covid 19 package, on a DHIS2 2.36 instance, and to adapt it I tried to modify the French translation, but the backup of the new translation does not save.
Can someone tell me what I have to do to save the translation changes.

Capture d'écran 2022-06-08 21.49.24

Hi @elmoujarrade,

Would you help debug the issue by opening your Network tab in the browser’s developer tools (F12) right before you save the translation? After that you will see the request, if you could take screenshot of the first two columns (Headers) & (Payload)



Thank you for your continued support.
Here is the requested screenshot:

Thanks @elmoujarrade! I’m sorry this screenshot won’t help because it doesn’t show the relevant request/response.

Please see instructions here:

I think it might help to check if there are errors in the Catalina.out log to find out more about this issue. If you share the log (without sensitive info) it’d be helpful as well.


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Here is the message that appears after saving the translation:

{“httpStatus”:“Internal Server Error”,“httpStatusCode”:500,“status”:“ERROR”,“message”:“A collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance: org.hisp.dhis.program.Program.notificationTemplates”}

Hi @elmoujarrade,

Sorry for taking long! A similar CoP post by @HaydnJ was posted before ((FIXED)Getting Error on one instance when attempting to save Program and Program Stage translations "A collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance: org.hisp.dhis.program.Program.notificationTemplates")

The error you are seeing is a bug issue which has been fixed in latest updates. What build are you using for version 2.36 instance? It should be fixed for (2.39, 2.38.0, 2.36.11, 2.37.7).

Here’s the related Jira issue which you can find a workaround if you are using an earlier version:

Thank you please feel free to continue posting to the community and report the result here.
