Normally this error occur if your database tweaking or configuration
with reference to RAM is not properly done. You will need to edit the
configuration file again and return your system.
I am certain your system had run out of RAM.
On 8/3/17, ThankGod Anazodo <> wrote:
Dear all,I got this error while trying to run analytics:
Process failed: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [create table
_orgunitstructure_temp (organisationunitid integer not null primary key,
organisationunituid character(11), level integer, "idlevel1" integer,
"uidlevel1" character(11), "idlevel2" integer, "uidlevel2" character(11),
"idlevel3" integer, "uidlevel3" character(11), "idlevel4" integer,
"uidlevel4" character(11));]; nested exception is
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "_ORGUNITSTRUCTURE_TEMP" already exists;
SQL statement: create table _orgunitstructure_temp (organisationunitid
integer not null primary key, organisationunituid character(11), level
integer, "idlevel1" integer, "uidlevel1" character(11), "idlevel2" integer,
"uidlevel2" character(11), "idlevel3" integer, "uidlevel3" character(11),
"idlevel4" integer, "uidlevel4" character(11)); [42101-194]I am running version 2.27, any help please.