#copmonthly introduces DHIS2 Challenges (community activity)

Every month the copmonthly highlights community member’s contributions, top topics, and top 10 active community members during the month. Thanks to all community members for sharing their knowledge as well as challenges. :heart:

Top Topics in the Community for March 2023

Like every year the DHIS2 Annual Conference announcement is a top topic of the month. Please don’t miss out all the dac2023 announcements by @aliceal :pray: (check out dac2023) Additionally, there are a couple of announcement posts that received a lot of views and responses. First, there’s the patch-release for 2.38 announcement, and the new requirement to use JDK 17. Second, there are two academy announcements, one in South Africa and another in Jordan.

Two user-story topics that receive the credit of being top topics:

Finally, DHIS2 core team member @brian shares an interesting resource for community members to check out: DHIS2 Toolkit for Antenatal Care (ANC) Registry is Released

To all copmonthly fans and helpful community members, it’s great news to say that the copmonthly topic posts usually get high number of views. Thanks to those who follow and to those who reply with their comments :heart:… and here’s something new:


Ready for a DHIS2 challenge? Members who respond to the challenge before the next copmonthly will receive the CoP Activity Winner badge. In addition to choosing the correct answer to the question below, make a post with a screenshot from a DHIS2 instance which shows the 3 building blocks in DHIS2.

The three building block in DHIS2 are:
  • Tracker, Capture, and Maps
  • Organisation Unit, Data Element, and Period
  • App hub, API, and Java
  • Tracker, Tracked Entity Instance, Program Stage
0 voters

[First person to answer correctly will be mentioned in the next copmonthly]

If you’re not sure what the three building blocks are, you can find out by taking our free online course, Introduction to DHIS2: Introduction to DHIS2 | DHIS2 Online Academy

Top 10 Active Users in March 2023

Username Name Country
@mohammadayub864 Mohammad Ayub Yousafzai AFGHANISTAN
@fekede.w Fekede Weldekidan Mengistu ETHIOPIA
@Quoda Clement Bempong Danso GHANA
@kandarpjoshi kandarp joshi INDIA
@salad_guyo salad_guyo KENYA
@Ninah Ninah KENYA
@sami.abdulsattar Sami YEMEN
@Pomi_Daniel Pomi Daniel ETHIOPIA
@love_java Rohit INDIA

And thanks to all helpful members (March 2023),

Good Samaritans

Without Good Samaritans, there’s no community! We are very thankful to all users for contributing to the CoP especially when helping other users. Samaritans, thank you for making others feel at home!
@redet | @didate | @sele | @Dan_Djari_Harouna | @asacur | @julhas | @Hobbes | @IBitone | @dmnscar | @sami12111 | @mohammadayub864 | @HaydnJ | @ericchingalo | @Matthew_Boddie | @ifoche | @chingalo | @Norah_Stoops | @jetisco4u | @Quoda | @Mohammad_A_Gani | @Ebrahim_AL-Anesi | @Supriya_Muppiri | @mauricejm | @tuzoengelbert | @kstankevitz | @e4eDHIS2 | @Mr_jorge | @kateshih | @sami.oracle10g

Bug Hunters

Many users who faced issues and discussed them with the community were very helpful in finding bugs. These bug hunters create Jira issues (with link to the CoP post) and support the development of DHIS2.
@ctejo | @jamal_aljadan | @HaydnJ | @mutali | @mlennert | @Sneha_Gudi | @jthomas

Feature Finders

We do tag feature finders in every copmonthly so if you have features that you’d like to share and discuss with the community feel free to make a post in the Development - Développement category as well as share the link to the dhis2.atlassian.net feature request issue so other members can watch and vote. :+1:

copmonthly map

Please feel free to PM if you want your picture updated/removed; if you are tagged above but can’t see your picture, please send us your country info and/or your profile picture.

Want to be added to the copmonthly map?

  1. Complete your profile info (profile picture + country)
  2. Members with the above info are tagged in the map when they help other community members


Thanks for voting and participating in the challenge! :heart_eyes:

Thanks to @salad_guyo , @jamal_aljadan , and @HaydnJ for the screenshots.

Here’s 🙌 More DHIS2 Challenges (community activity) + #copmonthly April 2023

Org unit and Data elements screenshot

Org unit, Dataelements and Period


@salad_guyo :smiley:

That’s good! Thanks, what about the third building block (period?) Is there a place where we can select all three at once? :grin:

Organisation Unit, Data Element, and Period Screenshot


@jamal_aljadan :clap: :clap: :tada: That’s right, the screenshot shows the three building blocks (Organisation Unit, Data Element, and Period!) :+1:

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Thanks @Gassim,
Updated the post to include the missing piece :smiley:

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The three building blocks of DHIS2 can be easily seen from within the data visualiser app.

Whenever you are querying your instance for data you need to specify “the three W’s”.

The what (data elements), the where (organisation units), and the when (periods).

You can see them in api queries too!

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