Android: Tracker open the Program stage automatically after ENrollment

I face a challenge using the Android Apps (2.4.0, 2.4.1, 2.4.2)v. I have a tracker program with 4 program stages. Once, I enroll the record by using an Android Apps and save the record, the Apps tends to open automatically one of the program stages which is against my will. I would like the end user to freely select the program stage he/she wants. Desktop version works okay.

All program stage configuration looks like the image below. Any input will be appreciated.

@marta , @Markus , @Scott

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Hi @sele, thank you for your report. Please check the following features are not enabled:

  1. “First stage appears on registration page” in the enrollment details should not be checked.

  2. “Open data entry form after enrollment” in the stage should not be checked. To verify this, please mark the “Auto-generate event” feature. Once “Open data entry form after enrollment” is unmarked, you’ll need to disable the “Auto-generate event” feature again.

Let us know if this solves the issue. Thank you!


@nancyesp , I am so grateful for all the support. It worked like a charm. My challenge is solved, gone!!


Hi @nancyesp

I have registered a tracked entity Joao Mario. The enrollment date is 1/12/2021. For the event date, it is showing the current date. The event date I would like to insert is 20/12/2021, but it is not possible to edit the date shown under the event name (Registo diario de TB presuntivo.). It is a non repeat table stage.


Why the date is uneditable?


Hi @ferdinandmussavene

You need to access the event and click n the bottom left:

This will bring you the screen of event info that you can edit:

Hope this helps.