Android Capture app: Why is the trackedEntityInstances API call missing the `ou` parameter during login?

This is not (yet?) a bug report as it also could be a configuration bug but it’s very difficult to find out the cause so far.

Every time upon login it fails with a 409 when requesting trackedEntityInstances due to the ou= parameter being empty. The response is 409 with “At least one organisation unit must be specified”.

The user has access to (all 3 types of) Org Units, Programs are assigned to Org Units etc. - general data entry works in the GUI (Tracker Capture, Event Capture, Data Entry) but not in the Android app.

Could you share what is the source for the ou parameter when accessing TEIs in order to track back?
The /api/me … call correctly returns an array of orgunits for organisationUnits and teiSearchOrganisationUnits.

Entry from Nginx’s access log:


::ffff:xx.xx.xx.xx - username [15/May/2019:11:56:47 +0000] “GET /api/trackedEntityInstances?ou=&ouMode=DESCENDANTS&fields=trackedEntityInstance,created,lastUpdated,orgUnit,trackedEntityType,coordinates,featureType,deleted,relationships[trackedEntityInstanceA,trackedEntityInstanceB,relationship,relationshipName,relationshipType,created,lastUpdated,from[trackedEntityInstance[trackedEntityInstance],enrollment[enrollment],event[event]],to[trackedEntityInstance[trackedEntityInstance],enrollment[enrollment],event[event]],relative],attributes[attribute,value,created,lastUpdated],enrollments[enrollment,created,lastUpdated,orgUnit,program,enrollmentDate,incidentDate,followup,status,deleted,trackedEntityInstance,coordinate,events[event,enrollment,created,lastUpdated,status,coordinate,program,programStage,orgUnit,eventDate,completedDate,deleted,dueDate,attributeOptionCombo,dataValues[dataElement,storedBy,value,created,lastUpdated,providedElsewhere]],notes[note,value,storedBy,storedDate]],attributes[attribute,value,created,lastUpdated]&paging=true&page=10&pageSize=50&includeAllAttributes=true HTTP/1.1” 409 124 “-” “Dhis2/0.15.5-SNAPSHOT/1.2.3/Android_25” “-”

DHIS2 is on 2.31.2 f3d71fe (an upgrade to 2.31.3 did not help)
App versions tested: 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3
Android version: 7.1

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Hi @dhuser,

As the community members explore this, our team from @dhis2-android will have a look at it and advise too.


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Hi @dhuser,

it has actually been reported here: We are having a look.

Are you and @berhard working on the same instance?

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Yes, that is the same instance @marta - cc @berhard - happy to provide more info!

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Hi Marta,

Yes, we are working on the same instance.

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Hi @dhuser, @berhard,

Can you share with us some testing credentials? We would like to check it.

Thank you!


So the problem comes from the api call:

Missing required properties: trackedEntityAttribute

Not sure why it is not returning them. Maybe it is a problem with the use of brackets… check if this helps:

I’ll keep on testing.

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Thanks @Pablo - the use of brackets is allowed in the Tomcat settings - Tracker Capture also opens normally

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Ok. Then it seems it is a sharing settings issue. Could you check the permissions?

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@Pablo Sure, what is the full API call used? I assume it’s still trackedEntityTypes? Or is that but nested in another resource?

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only strange thing I found so far is <displayShortName>null </displayShortName> when looking at TETAs at (with specific user) as TETAs do not have shortNames. Sharing looks alright for TETs and TETAs though

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It is related to trackedentitytypeattribute.trackedentityattributeid being NULL (see here for more details): [ANDROAPP-2163] - Jira. Deleting the NULL records leads to a working login (would probably need proper clean up).