Who is implementing DHIS2 in Pakistan?

I have searched without success for a HISP-Pakistan. Is there a network or community of DHIS specialists in Pakistan? Or organisations that are involved with DHIS implementation and support in the country?

Hi Paul,

Thanks for reaching out to us. This is very good timing. With support from University of Oslo, a new HISP Pakistan group was officially established last month. @adnan1 is leading that group and can follow up with you in country if needed. Also feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions about DHIS2 implementation support to Pakistan.

(DHIS2 implementation coordinator, HISP UiO)


Hi Ola,
Thanks so much for your immediate response! Great to hear that there is a Pakistan chapter in the making. I’ll make contact with @adnan1 .
Best wishes,

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