Viewing audit notes from breaking the glass

Hello, hope you are having a good day. We have a program setup with accessType protected, so when a user searches for and finds a TEI outside their data capture OU, they need to add a note saying why they are accessing this TEI. However nowhere in the documentation do they say how to view these audit messages!!
The /api/audits/trackedEntityInstance endpoint does not include the message and I can’t see it anywhere against the TEI itself in the system either.
I would love to know how to access these audit notes, otherwise the feature is not particularly useful!

Thank you for your time,


Hi @plinnegan, tagging the @dhis2-tracker team.

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Thanks @jomutsani! Any initial thought on this @dhis2-tracker team?

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Hi @jomutsani, and @dhis2-tracker team,

I am also very keen to know where the audit notes can be accessed when a program access level is set to protected. Any updates would be much appreciated!




I have checked this, and it seems like this is not very well documented yet.

Audit logs are only available for those with database access, and they are found on the table programtempownershipaudit

The idea is that the audit log is only accessed when an audit committee is investigating a breach of conduct and not for the large majority of users. This is true for everything labeled “audit”.

Probably not the answer you were hoping for I’m afraid!

All the best,



Thanks for taking time to respond, though not ideal it’s still useful to know! We can access these via an SQL View from the frontend which is great for now :slight_smile: