Tracker App Sharing settings Mobile 0.5.9 vs DHIS2 2.29

Hi all,

I would like to know if the sharing settings on tracker are obeyed by the mobile apps. For instance if the configuration of a program or program stage for a user group A is set to Can view only for both metadata and data. Will this prevent the user from capturing data using the mobile app? I have tried this and it doesn’t seem to work on the mobile app. Does anyone have a work around for this or faced anything similar?

I am using version 0.5.9 of the Android Tracker app and DHIS2 2.29




Hi @Nguza_Yikona,

I think for capturing data, it might allow the users in the User group to enter data. But when it comes to syncing the data, the users with view-only access cannot be able to send it to the server since the system reads their access as View Only

Let me test it out first.



Hi @jomutsani,

Thank you. Yes that is true. I have tested it out, the problem though with this is when user groups with View only access enter data on the app and sync, the server returns errors. This is problematic for large databases with high number of users, as the server will return too many errors which then starts to affect the performance of the server. I hope Oslo will provide a fix for this.


Thanks for your insightful feedback @Nguza_Yikona. :smile:

Just a thought - I am pretty sure the team who came up with this were protecting the integrity of the data submitted to be by only those allowed to Edit and View. For the read-only users, I guess we can work with ensuring the user configuration is well done as we seek more insight from @Pablo and the team on how to make view only access users not able to get the data entry form accessible for them to populate on the android app.


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