The Event program data elements not displayed in the web

On 2.33.1 I am seeing a problem where the data elements I have assigned to that program are not being displayed using the Capture app. I checked that I don’t have any program rules that would be at play here. All that I see are input fields for data and long/lat and a complete event checkbox. I have cleared by cached and tried this on Firefox/Safari and Chome. Same results. I am doing this as a superuser and the share settings for the program look good.

I can create a new Event Program assign these same data elements and it works. Anything else that I can check?

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What happens when you select the survey date?

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Same thing. I even see the problem when I am editing an existing event.

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Check JIRA 7301 - it seems quite similar, but the bug is supposed to have been fixed (or maybe they just “implemented” the temporary fix and then forgot about it).

Best regards

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Thanks Calle. The workaround in the JIRA ticket fixed it. Thanks.

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So the bug has not actually been fixed then. That workaround is not a proper fix, but I see the issue was marked “Done”. I will reopen it


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