Standard report - how to select milultiple organisations

Hi there,

Can anyone point me if there is a possibility to select multiple organisations in the Standard report

As a standard behaviour you can select only 1 organisation. But for the users would be great if the DHIS2 could provide an ability to select multiple organisations.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

Hi @Ulanbek

If you select the higher organization unit in the OU hierarchy, it will show the ones included in the pivot table creation. I think the way to do this is by creating a new table with only the OUs you want then select the higher OU.

Hi @Gassim

I know if you select higher OU it will include all descendant OUs. But I need to select multiple OUs in the same level. As I understood there is no such ability, right?


Hey :slight_smile:

Yes, so if you select the higher one, it will show the multiple descendants in the same level (the pivot table created in the Data Visualizer app should only have the OUs you want to appear).